About Us

Mastile Interconcept Sdn Bhd ( formerly known as Mastile Tiling Sdn Bhd ) was established in the 1970's to help meet the needs of home owners to a better living. With over 30 years of experience, we are one of the leading tiling specialists in Malaysia. Over the years, consumers have reached a level of sophistication with style and trends in building their new homes. Therefore, we are the solutions to your stylish dream home. Our professionally trained staff are always hands on to help and guide you in the process of realising your stylish new home.

Drop in today, and browse the huge selections that we have to offer. Because at Mastile Interconcept Sdn Bhd, we are in the business of making houses into stylish homes.

马石达砖业私人有限公司成立于1970 年,成立的目的是以帮助满足业主的需求以及提供更好的起居生活为出发点。在马来西亚,我们是其中一间领先于砖业的公司。30多年来,消费者已经达到了成熟 的水平,对于新的设计以及发展趋势有更深一层的了解和认识。因此,马石达砖业私人有限公司绝对是能够帮助您实现梦想的第一人选。我们有受过专业培训的工作 人员,并为您提供帮助与专业的意见去如何实现您的梦想家园。



Our Core Values:

To serve our customers with integrity and professionalism, on the premises and off at all times.

To bring value, functionalism and beauty in every home or work premises we work on.

To ensure satisfaction on the part of our customers, and in turn find self-satisfaction in doing so.





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